Embracing Social Responsibility: Our Commitments
Corporate social responsibility is a company culture. It is reflected in everything we do.

Our Commitments cover the following areas:
Business ethics
Environmental awareness
health & safety
Stakeholder Relations
employee relations
Human rights
Community engagement

What CSR Means to Civil Renewables, Inc.
At Civil Renewables, Inc., Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) means ensuring that we:
Conduct business in an ethical and socially responsible manner,
Keep safety, environmental protection, and sustainability as prime concerns in all our activities,
We practice what we preach; see for example our community solar subscription,
Support human rights; and
Engage with, learn from, respect, and support the communities and cultures with whom we do business.

Engineer’s Fundamental Canons of Conduct
As an engineering company, Civil Renewables, Inc. abides by the fundamental canons of engineering conduct. Namely:
We hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.
Our engineers perform services only in areas of their competence.
We issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
We act for each client as faithful agents or trustees.
We avoid deceptive acts.
We conduct ourselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the honor, reputation, and usefulness of the engineering profession.
RAVS+ Certification on ISNetworld
Civil Renewables, Inc.’s Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) plans and policies have been externally audited by ISNetworld and have been qualified for RAVS+ vendor status. This distinction is testimony to our commitments to corporate social responsibility and continuous improvement.