General Interest Jomaa Ben-Hassine General Interest Jomaa Ben-Hassine

The Intersection of Energy and Engineering: A Future-Focused Approach

In the modern era, the convergence of energy and engineering is not just a possibility but a necessity. As global populations continue to rise and urbanization spreads, the demand for sustainable energy solutions and advanced engineering practices grows exponentially. At Civil Renewables, we understand the imperative of staying ahead in these vital sectors. Both energy and engineering are pivotal to shaping a future that is not only technologically advanced but also environmentally sustainable.

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Donald Chamot Donald Chamot

Hybrid Renewable Energy Projects: A Synergy of Solar, Wind, Battery Storage, and Hydrogen Production

Hybrid renewable energy projects aim to create a resilient and efficient energy system and provide a continuous and stable supply of clean energy while reducing carbon emissions and enhancing grid stability by integrating some or all the following elements: solar energy conversion, wind energy conversion, energy storage, and hydrogen production.

 Our latest video describes hybrid renewable energy systems in more detail. Learn more below.

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Donald Chamot Donald Chamot

Unveiling the Importance of The Standard Penetration Test

At Civil Renewables, we know that a well-designed geotechnical investigation is essential to the success of any construction project.  Our latest video discusses the Standard Penetration Test (SPT), a simple and inexpensive geotechnical site characterization method that has been widely used in the United States since the 1920s.

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Donald Chamot Donald Chamot

Benefits of Land Leasing for Wind Power Development

Our latest video discusses the benefits and processes of land leasing for wind power development, highlighting the economic advantages for landowners and the role of Civil Renewables in supporting wind power projects throughout their lifecycle.

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Donald Chamot Donald Chamot

Exploring Small Wind Turbines as Distributed Energy Solution

Wind turbines are not only used in large-scale operations.  Small wind turbines can be the perfect power generation solution for single customers or isolated communities.  In our latest video, we explore the types and uses of these smaller operations.  At Civil Renewables, we have helped design cost-effective proprietary foundation systems for Small Wind Turbines (SWTs) intended for distributed applications.

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Standards, Foundation Design Jomaa Ben-Hassine Standards, Foundation Design Jomaa Ben-Hassine

Thoughts on Foundation Stability Code Requirements

In this blog entry, we will provide a review of the structural stability requirements for foundations of buildings and other structures as stipulated in US design standards. We start by reviewing US code content relevant to overall structural stability and, if found, foundation stability. This topic is of particular interest to designers of wind turbine foundations.

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Donald Chamot Donald Chamot

Solving the Puzzle of Wind Turbine Recycling

Wind turbines allow us to convert the wind’s kinetic energy into clean electricity, but the last stage of their life cycle must also be considered.  In our latest video, we show a lighthearted overview of wind turbine recycling.

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Foundation Design Guest User Foundation Design Guest User

The Inner Workings of Gravity Base Foundations

In our latest video, we dive into more details on how these critical foundations, made of reinforced concrete, are engineered to handle the immense forces generated by wind turbines. From the intricate rebar layout to the step-by-step construction process, you'll see how this system is optimized for constructability and reliability.

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Engineering Ethics: Beyond the Blueprints 

A civil engineer's education primarily focuses on technical knowledge, which is vital for addressing the technical challenges of our society's infrastructures need and advancing the innovative tools we use to develop them. However, an equally important aspect of professional practice is ethics—understanding what is right and wrong.

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General Interest Guest User General Interest Guest User

California's 100 Days of Clean Energy: Renewables Milestone

In 100 out of 144 days since March 8, California met its electricity demand entirely with renewable energy for part of each day. Solar, wind, and hydroelectric power supplied the grid for durations ranging from minutes to ten hours. This milestone underscores the reliability of renewables in high-demand regions. However, further efforts are needed to ensure consistent electricity production during unfavorable weather conditions.

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Standards, Foundation Design Jomaa Ben-Hassine Standards, Foundation Design Jomaa Ben-Hassine

To Anchor or not to Anchor… That Is the Question

Anchored wind turbine foundations work beautifully when they do, but when they don’t, they are a nightmare. That’s why “to anchor or not to anchor” is a fundamental question that has to be thoroughly evaluated when contemplating an anchored wind turbine foundation. In this post, we discuss this efficient wind turbine foundation system and why it should be reserved to particular geotechnical settings.

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Community Solar: Democratizing Renewable Energy Access

Community solar is an innovative solution that can help democratize solar energy. This model enables multiple participants to benefit from a single, off-site solar farm. By subscribing to a share of the solar energy produced, participants receive credits on their electricity bills without the installation of solar panels on the roofs of their homes or businesses.

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Standards, General Interest Jomaa Ben-Hassine Standards, General Interest Jomaa Ben-Hassine

Tornado vs. Wind Turbines: A Wake-up Call?

Mother Nature handed out several invaluable lessons over the last two weeks of May 2024: on May 17, strong weather events downed multiple transmission line towers in the Houston area, and on May 20-21, tornadoes destroyed several wind turbines in southwest Iowa. What lessons should we draw from these back-to-back events? Is this a wake-up call? If it is, what is the message of the call? What are the consequences associated with these types of failures and what are the weak links in our nation’s power system? Do we need to rethink how we design wind turbines, or do we need to work harder to slow down the accelerating pattern of more frequent and more extreme weather events? Let’s explore!

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Standards Jomaa Ben-Hassine Standards Jomaa Ben-Hassine

US Experts Invited to Offer Input on Standards

US stakeholders are invited to offer input on IEC design standards relative to wind turbine support structures and their foundations through the US mirror committee coordinated by Jomaa Ben Hassine. Current activity includes Amendment 1 and Edition 2 of IEC 61400-6. Find out how to get involved in this community blog entry.

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