Civil Renewables, Inc.

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Geotechnical Engineering Abbreviations

Geotechnical engineers talk amongst themselves using abbreviations that project stakeholders and even engineers from other trades struggle to decipher. In this compilation, we present the tip of the iceberg. Readers who are not familiar with the abbreviations are invited to search online for more detailed information on what they mean.

100 Abbreviations Geotechnical Engineers Use

  1. ACIP - Auger Cast-in-Place Pile

  2. ACDP - Auger-Cast Displacement Pile

  3. APGD - Auger-Pressure-Grouted Displacement (pile)

  4. ASD - Allowable Stress Design

  5. BMPs - Best Management Practices

  6. BOF - Bottom of Foundation

  7. CBR - California Bearing Ratio

  8. CFA - Continuous Flight Auger (Pile): The same as an Auger Cast-in-Place Pile (ACIP).

  9. CPT - Cone Penetration Test

  10. CD - Consolidated Drained (triaxial test)

  11. CMT - Construction Material Testing

  12. COV - Coefficient of Variation

  13. CU - Consolidated Undrained (triaxial test)

  14. DEM - Discrete Element Method

  15. DFI - Deep Foundations Institute (

  16. DGWD - Design Groundwater Depth

  17. DIGGS - Data Interchange for Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (

  18. DST - Direct Shear Test

  19. EGS - Existing Grade Surface

  20. FDP - Full-Displacement Pile

  21. FEM - Finite Element Method

  22. FOS - Factor of Safety

  23. GEOR - Geotechnical Engineer of Record

  24. G-I - Geo-Institute (of ASCE) -

  25. GI - Ground Improvement

  26. GM - Ground Modification

  27. GWT - Groundwater Table: Typically, refers to the depth of the groundwater at a site.

  28. IGM - Intermediate Geomaterials: Transition materials between soils and rocks.

  29. ISSMGE - International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (

  30. LEM - Limit Equilibrium Method

  31. LL - Liquid Limit

  32. LRFD - Load and Resistance Factor Design

  33. LSD - Limit State Design

  34. MASW - Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves

  35. MPC - Modified Proctor Compaction

  36. MSE - Mechanically Stabilized Earth

  37. MDD: Maximum Dry Density

  38. MSL - Mean Sea Level

  39. MWD - Monitor (or Measure) While Drilling

  40. NC - Normally Consolidated (clay)

  41. OC - Over-consolidated (clay)

  42. OCR - Over-consolidation Ratio

  43. OMC - Optimum Moisture Content

  44. PBD - Performance Based Design

  45. PDA - Pile Driving Analyzer

  46. PI - Plasticity Index

  47. PL - Plastic Limit

  48. PLT - Pile Load Test

  49. PLT - Point Load Test

  50. PPT - Pocket Penetrometer Test

  51. RAP - Rammed Aggregate Pier

  52. RBD - Reliability (or Risk) Based Design. We prefer reliability 👍.

  53. RC - Relative Compaction (=field dry density divided by maximum dry density, expressed as a percentage)

  54. RCT - Resonant Column Test

  55. RI - Rigid Inclusion

  56. RQD - Rock Quality Designation

  57. SCPT: Seismic Cone Penetration Test

  58. Sl - Shrinkage Limit

  59. SOE - Support of Excavation (system)

  60. SOG - Slab on Grade

  61. SPC - Standard Proctor Compaction

  62. SPT - Standard Penetration Test

  63. SRF - Stress Reduction Factor

  64. SSA - Slope Stability Analysis

  65. SSD - Saturated Surface Dry (of an aggregate)

  66. SSI - Soil-Structure Interaction

  67. SWPPP - Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan

  68. TBM - Tunnel Boring Machine

  69. TOC - Top of Concrete (elevation)

  70. UC - Unconfined Compression (test)

  71. USCS - Universal Soil Classification System: a system to classify soils into:

    1. CH: Fat Clay

    2. CL: Lean Clay

    3. CL-ML: Silty Clay

    4. GC: Clayey Gravel

    5. GC-GM: Silty, Clayey Gravel

    6. GM: Silty Gravel

    7. GP: Poorly-graded Gravel

    8. GP-GC: Poorly-graded Gravel with Clay

    9. GP-GM: Poorly-graded Gravel with Silt

    10. GW: Well-graded Gravel

    11. GW-GC: Well-graded Gravel with Clay

    12. GW-GM: Well-graded Gravel with Silt

    13. MH: Elastic Silt

    14. ML: Inorganic Silt

    15. OL: Low-plasticity Organic Silt or Clay

    16. OH: High-plasticity Organic Silt or Clay

    17. SC: Clayey Sand

    18. SC-SM: Silty, Clayey Sand

    19. SM: Silty Sand

    20. SP: Poorly-graded Sand

    21. SP-SC: Poorly-graded Sand with Clay

    22. SP-SM: Poorly-graded Sand with Silt

    23. SW: Well-graded Sand

    24. SW-SC: Well-graded Sand with Clay

    25. SW-SM: Well-graded Sand with Silt

  72. USM - Unsaturated Soil Mechanics

  73. UU - Unconsolidated Undrained (triaxial test)

  74. VST - Vane Shear Test

  75. ZAV - Zero Air Voids (curve, in compaction testing)