Utility Scale Wind Expertise Is our Forte…
For decades, our staff have contributed to utility-scale wind projects across North America (USA and Canada):
As reviewers of geotechnical basis, engineering designs and construction quality data advising owners and investors,
As designers of wind turbine foundations and access roads working for EPCs and engineering firms,
As construction QA/QC observers supporting EPC contractors, and
As industry experts addressing constructability and construction quality issues.
Our contributions have been made at all phases of wind farm projects: development, design, construction, operation, lifetime extension, repowering and decommissioning. We can say that we have a role to play, every day!
a role to play, every Day!
Development Days
During project development, we can provide geotechnical desktop studies and preliminary investigations that inform project area selection, micro-siting, and preliminary pricing. We can also provide preliminary wind turbine foundation designs and bills of quantities that developers and owners can use for permits or to inform their selection of an EPC.
Design Days
During the design phase, we will produce preliminary design documents and take those documents through to Issued-for-Construction (IFC) status by working in accordance with the client timeline and by addressing owner engineer review questions. If invited, we can also step in to review an existing design for value engineering opportunities.
Construction Days
During construction, our services can take many forms. We can provide QA/QC observation to ensure construction compliance with design document. If the design documents are our own, we will review shop drawings and be ready to respond to Request for Information (RFIs) in a timely manner. EPC and owners may also reach out to us for support in resolving construction quality issues.
Production Days
During project operation (production), our typical services are related to reviewing foundation or structural performance issues.
Life Extension Days
What if the project is approaching the original design life and is still going strong? Does it need to be decommissioned per its original design life or can it keep operating for a few more years? This is where we review project data and help assess remaining useful life for the project.
Repowering Days
The early wind projects, which are typically located within the best wind areas in the continent, are reaching the end of their original design life (20 to 30 years). The combination of good/proven wind resources and existing infrastructure makes a compelling case for repowering. We can advise relative to refreshing the geotechnical basis and providing design services for the new, repowered project.